MacPad displays at home & on the road

This is part 2 of my MacPad notes. See part one here.

Configuring displays is a bit tricky. At home, where I use this most often, I have two external 24" displays. The larger problem comes from the fix for Sidecar – the display board. Oyamasan (MBP) thinks the 16" display the MBP came with is still attached.

I have two options at boot: to blind type my password to boot enough to turn on the external displays, or connect to oyamasan from akasan (iPad) using the RealVNC client and logging in from there.

Once booted, I needed to set up the displays so windows don’t occasionally end up on the non-existing display. Under System Settings – Displays I configured the built-in display to mirror the left external display at the left display’s native resolution. I also made left display the Main Display.

For the MacPad setup, I did the same but made the Sidecar display the main display.

One note that might be important if one uses MacPad in a somewhat locked down environment – Sidecar works over USB. The drawback is that the iPad will drain battery from the Mac to charge itself. A high speed data-only USB-C cable will address that. Maybe there’s another way.

I still need to test this on the road.

Paul Jorgensen @somanyhills